This is the second volume of instrumentals from YouHaveAFuture.org. The 26-track album is built for rapping, singing, spoken word, whatever. Many of the tracks have places to add a chorus or hook, and nearly half already come with a chorus. The song How It Feels is a collaboration-ready track, featuring hook by the late Amanda Todd and a verse in the middle by Mimic (me).
As with the first volume, the purpose of this album is to help those struggling with mental health issues. Music has always been a vital part of helping me through my own battle with depression and self hatred. We put out these instrumentals to helps others out there who are in the same place, to give them music they can speak to and against. Don’t let your pain control you. Use it to create.
Use these instrumentals for singing, rapping, writing, or just listening. Let them help you in the same way music has helped me.
You do have a future. Let the music help you get there.
As with my own albums, I tend to leave notes about what you’re listening to
Just like YouHaveAFuture.org – Instrumentals Volume 1, the second volume also has a particular tone to it. Many tracks are have a sadness to them, while others are geared toward anger. We are all dealing with things that run us through a range of emotions, and these two are the ones that tend to hit our mental health the hardest.
Becoming Nothing is named as such because of a song I wrote and recorded over 15 years ago. It has a similar feel in the beginning to my song of the same name.
At the same time, A Letter to Life is a remix of my Dear Life track from my album “Everything is Fine.” On the contrary, everything was not fine, and this music helped me express my confusion and dissatisfaction with life.
This album is more than twice as long as the first album, and contains several tracks that feature choruses from many different vocalists. In addition, the final track on the album is special.
The last track on the album, number 26, is unlike the others. The song is a three verse track, but the middle verse has already been used. It features a verse by me. With it, I join you as we discuss how it can feel to be in the kind of mental state others can’t understand without being to that point. To carry us along, a hook separates our verses. That hook is the voice of Amanda Michelle Todd, the driving force behind why I created this site and pushed forward into this chapter of my life.
And as I am a sentimental person, this album is being released on Amanda’s 26th birthday, which is also why it has 26 tracks. Happy birthday, kid. I wish you were here.
It doesn’t matter how good you are at singing or rapping. It doesn’t matter if you’re the best writer. What matters is that the track is built to help you through the kind of struggles she and I, as well as countless others have seen in our lives. We want to help you. We want you to see that you are not alone in how you feel.
And we hope you feel better soon. You have a future. Please believe that, because one day you will be happy you did.
Regardless of what others may say or how the world may treat you, you DO have a future. Your depression, anxiety, frustration, feelings of loneliness and self-hatred, do not get to run your life. Screw that.